Joni Cervenka's Fundraiser

Help Me Get Away From My Desk and Raise Money for MEOW Cat Rescue
Inspire me and join me, in making a difference, please give today.
As you know, MEOW Cat Rescue is very close to my heart. I spend a good part of each day, on my computer doing "MEOW" stuff. I have thought about doing the 5K before but just couldn't get myself motivated (plus I always was needed as a volunteer at the event--I know, a lame excuse). But this year, because fellow board member (and avid runner) Steve Heaps created what seems like a doable training schedule, I figured I should give it a shot. I'd love to have your support as I train and make a difference in my life and the lives of those animals. Help me increase MEOW's ability to accept kittens, pregnant moms, and bottle babies into their system which means we will all be helping to end pet homelessness and move closer to a time when every pet has a safe and loving home and doesn't suffer from lack of food, safety, or companionship
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for MEOW Cat Rescue.